Imperial Brands

La storia del nostro gruppo ha avuto inizio a dicembre del 1901, quando tredici aziende britanniche a conduzione familiare si unirono e fondarono la Imperial Tobacco Company Limited.

For the full story on our Chief Consumer Officer Paola Pocci's keynote address to @GTNF this week – and to watch the Greek market video case study that she showed to delegates – see:

On Wednesday, September 25 in Athens, we will be joined Paola Pocci, Chief Consumer Officer and NGP Leader at @ImperialBrands for what promises to be an insightful keynote.

Don’t forget to register:

#GTNF #AdvancingResponsibleInnovation

Three weeks on from our Half Year results, CEO Stefan Bomhard and CFO Lukas Paravicini took part in a Q&A at the dbAccess Global Consumer Conference.
To hear them speak about how we're getting stronger as a business, go to

Our Half Year results are out today and show that our five-year plan is driving a step-up in our financial performance.

By embracing a challenger role in our transforming industry, we’re becoming a stronger, more agile business.

Watch the video in full:

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